Alex Morgan and her husband are having a baby girl
US soccer superstar striker Alex Morgan and her husband, LA Galaxy player Servando Carrasco, are expecting a baby girl in April, the two-time World Cup winner announced Wednesday on Twitter.”We are already in love and we haven’t even met her yet. Newest member of the Carrasco family, coming soon,” she wrote on social media while posting photos that showed her holding a sign that reads. “Baby girl, April 2020.”
“Can’t wait to meet my baby girl,” Carrasco wrote on Instagram.Morgan, 30, and Carrasco, 31, have been married since New Year’s Eve 2014. This will be their first child.The national team sent its best wishes, tweeting: “ALL THE TEARS OF JOY. The #USWNT (and Carrasco) fam is growing and we could not be more excited! Congrats @alexmorgan13 and Servando!”Carrasco’s MLS team, the Galaxy, wrote: “Congratulations Servando and @alexmorgan13.”