
Israeli mother describes life under attack


Carol is joined by former Israeli military spokeswoman Avital Leibovich, now a civilian, who shares her perspective on family life in Israel.

Avital, who has three children, recently wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, where she shared an instance in which her youngest asked to visit a friend’s one afternoon. That, she says, created a “dilemna.”

“In times like these I’d like to have my children near me, yet she’s a normal child and deserves to live like one. She and her friend played in a plastic pool and the air raid siren went off and they had to seek shelter. I still think I made the right decision letting her go.”

During the interview, Avital shares what would be a frightening experience for anyone, “Two nights ago there was a siren for the first time 2:30 A.M., and my oldest had a few friends sleeping over, and we had actually all went to the shelter. Ten people in the middle of the night with our pajamas, and I live in an open area so the explosion sounds are very audible. It’s not a nice experience for an 8-year old or for a 10-year old.”

Note: Carol spoke with a civilian in Gaza earlier in the hour

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Filed under: Anchors • Carol Costello

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