Second Chances
What does a second chance mean to you?
For some people it means given another chance at a relationship, to others it’s another chance at a promotion, or even another chance at traveling to your dream location. The list goes on. For me it was this second chance we needed to keep our son alive.
Today marks the 9th anniversary since my son had his liver transplant. Even after nine years, I sit here in tears for the pain we went through for months prior to our son’s transplant and for the pain the family must have gone through after they lost their little baby.
Their sweet baby is forever part of our lives. Every milestone our son reaches, every race he runs, every birthday, every anniversary, even every place we have visited, I think and pray for this family.
It took courage to donate their baby’s organs, and we will never forget what they did. This selfless act of kindness saved our son. They may never know how they changed our lives, but I pray one day we get the chance to tell them.
We released nine balloons in memory of our hero and to celebrate our son’s second chance. To us every moment is a gift and we will never take for granted the second chance we have been given.
Nishma is a health coach residing in Texas. She started her nutrition career in London, UK and moved to Texas with her family last year. Nishma’s line of expertise is children’s health and mother’s wellbeing. You can visit her at
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